Small dietary changes to lose weight

Simple tips to easily lose a few pounds without going on a diet.

Put some nuts mixed with dried fruit in your bag.

The hardest time to stick to good eating habits is when you’re on the road and feeling exhausted. At those times you are likely to give in to the most fattening temptations, if you have not taken something with you. So be prepared, always have some nuts with dried fruits with you that will keep your blood glucose levels stable and provide you with protein and make you not feel hungry until the next meal. But don’t overdo it. It is recommended to portion out in the right amounts when you have time so that you can easily take it with you when you leave the house in a hurry. The ideal amount for a snack of 40 nuts along with dried fruit.

Add seeds to your meals

It’s hard to imagine that in order to lose weight you don’t always need to remove something from your diet, but maybe add something! Enrich your diet with seeds such as flaxseed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed which are very filling, rich in antioxidants and properties that help in weight loss. You can add them to salad, shakes, oatmeal, milk or yogurt, cereal or anywhere else you can think of.

Listen to your body

Even if you don’t make any other changes to your diet, reducing the amount even a little can help you lose weight. The easiest way to do this is to learn to recognize when you are full. Eat slowly, chewing the food well and pay attention to the signs that show you that you are almost full. Then stop eating and get up from the table. Make sure you find time to rest so you can consume more measured amounts of food.

Eat small and frequent meals

If you want to lose weight you should not let yourself be very hungry, because this makes it difficult to keep control of the amount you will eat at the next meal. Between main meals, eat a small snack that will keep your blood glucose stable and prevent binge eating later.

Eat protein at every meal

Regardless of whether it comes from meat or plant sources (legumes, tofu, etc.), protein is essential at every meal, so that we don’t get hungry. Add a small piece (eg an egg at breakfast, a tablespoon of hummus for a snack, lean meat or cheese at dinner, etc.).

Feel creative in the kitchen

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. Get a book with light recipes or find it on the internet and experiment with unusual ingredients and original combinations. You will be surprised how interesting, creative and enjoyable the result will be.

Increase the water

Studies show that drinking enough water can help increase your metabolism which in turn leads to subsequent weight loss.

Water has also been shown to increase metabolism by inducing thermogenesis, a metabolic process in which calories are burned to produce heat.

In one study, water was found to increase metabolic rate by 30% for 30-40 minutes.

Don’t buy essential foods specifically for dieting

Make sure when you shop that you fill your basket with foods that have a high nutritional value and not those that are advertised as light or dietary because they can also hide traps. Always read the labels and inform yourself about your daily needs in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to be sure that your diet meets the needs of your body.

Add salad to your main meal

Replace your lunch with a rich salad with a variety of vegetables. You can thus manage to limit yourself to a smaller portion of food and be full in combination with the salad. You can also make the salad a main meal by adding some protein (e.g. chicken or egg), but also combine it with good fatty acids from avocado, nuts and olive oil in measured quantities. It’s an easy way to feel better and lose weight!

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are essential for energy, but it’s easy to get carried away and eat more than a serving, especially if you’re eating out. Restaurant portions are really huge, if you consider that the amount of carbohydrates (bread, pasta or rice) corresponding to a meal is at most half a cup, which is the size of your computer mouse! Prefer carbohydrates from wholemeal flour which offers more fiber and satiety.

Eat hot mustard instead of mayonnaise

It is obvious that by replacing mayonnaise with mustard you will save several calories. But it’s even smarter to replace it with hot mustard that helps burn calories by increasing body temperature. In addition, mustard seeds contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements.