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The father of Medicine, Hippocrates with the wise words “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” believing that our diet is the cornerstone for our health and that the best medicines exist freely and free in nature and that “No benefit, neither money, nor anything else is worth as much as health”, is much more relevant today than ever.

The father of Medicine, Hippocrates with the wise words “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” believing that our diet is the cornerstone for our health and that the best medicines exist freely and free in nature and that “No benefit, neither money, nor anything else is worth as much as health”, is much more relevant today than ever.


Greek nature is the one that offered us the infamous “Mediterranean and Cretan Diet”, the only one that has proven over time that when we adopt it, it gives us longevity as it significantly reduces the incidence of the main causes of death such as cardiovascular events and cancer.

Health is not something certain, nor a given, but it is gained only when we follow the rules of physical and mental hygiene.

Global medical research around the world has proven that the generative cause of every disease is more related to poor quality nutrition as well as excess in quantities


Therefore, the preventive and therapeutic value of a healthy diet against the development of some diseases has been proven, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis, obesity, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and a large number of different kinds cancer.

Nutrition contributes both to the maintenance of physical, mental and spiritual health and to its rapid and complete restoration, when it is disturbed by some disease.

What can we do

1).The best Treatment is Prevention in the general population

Prevention in high-risk individuals

People with obese first-degree relatives, children with early obesity or overweight (before the age of 6).

Conditions favoring weight gain such as smoking cessation, cessation of physical activity and sports, medication (neuroleptics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, corticoids, estrogens, progesterones), endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome), change of occupation and residence, pregnancy, menopause , periods of psychological or social weakness.

People with rapid weight gain ( > > 5% of their usual weight).

People who have or are predisposed to have a disease that is aggravated by weight gain (eg diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension).

2) Reduction of body weight in Overweight – Obese people

In practice, for the majority, a loss of 5 – 15% of starting weight is a realistic goal and improves health. Even a small weight loss can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases and improve your health greatly

Research has proven that losing even 10% of your initial weight can prevent health problems such as diabetes or hypertension or reduce the risk of developing/exacerbating them by up to 50%.

WHY; – What can we achieve?

Weight reduction by 5-10 kg improves musculoskeletal symptoms (back pain, arthralgias), respiratory symptoms and reduces the frequency of sleep apnea episodes.

Studies lasting a few weeks show that for every 1% reduction in weight, there is a drop of 1 unit in systolic and 2 units in diastolic blood pressure.

Insulin sensitivity and impaired glucose tolerance improve with weight loss. In patients with diabetes, weight loss of 10-20 kg can result in normal glucose levels. However, significant benefits arise in diabetics even with a weight loss of 3-8 kg.

The blood lipid disturbances that accompany obesity, mainly high triglycerides, high total cholesterol, and low HDL cholesterol, are usually reversed after moderate weight loss. Losing 1 kg of body weight results in a 1% reduction in LDL cholesterol. Triglycerides and HDL cholesterol show the most marked changes with weight loss in people with increased visceral fat.

Weight control during pregnancy is important. Women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy, and do not gain any more weight during pregnancy appear to have healthy children.

The goal of our Dietetic Center is to make it understood that achieving a healthy body weight and losing weight is not only a matter of aesthetics or seasonal fashion, but is a serious issue of overall health for humans and should only be addressed to competent Dietetics – Nutrition specialists for the timely treatment of his problems.

Finally, we recommend combating all false and deceptive advertising related to weight loss.

After all, weight loss that is not carried out in a correct scientific way can also pose health risks.

We also recommend the implementation of a food manufacturing and distribution industry code of good practice in the area of nutrition information, particularly when directed at children and adolescents, as well as the improvement of product labeling to make it comprehensible and legible to consumers.

The ultimate goal of our Center is the continuous valid information and education of the public about Nutrition – Health issues and the promotion of Public Health.

Where we address

The Healthy and Balanced Diet is addressed to all of us:

  • In both sexes.
  • In all age groups (infants, children, adolescents, adults, seniors)
  • In normal as well as in pathological conditions (e.g. hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, etc.) to increase, decrease or maintain body weight.
  • In people at high risk of weight gain, people experiencing conditions that favor weight gain such as smoking cessation, cessation of physical activity and sports, medication (neuroleptics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, corticoids, estrogens, progesterinoids), endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, syndrome Cushing), pregnancy, menopause, periods of psychological or social weakness.
  • In athletes to increase performance, muscle mass and reduce adipose tissue
  • For women before, during pregnancy and breastfeeding wherever they can follow a diet that will provide all the benefits to both mother and baby.