Foods you’re eating wrong (and not burning fat)

Mistakes in the preparation and selection of some very common foods that take away some of their valuable nutrients.

Apples and pears

It is best to wait until they are quite ripe before eating them, as the breakdown of chlorophyll caused by the ripening process of the fruit results in the “release” of even more antioxidants.


Unlike apples and pears, bananas should be eaten relatively unripe. The reason is that when they are still green they have less sugar and more starch, a type of soluble fiber that is absorbed by the body at a slow rate and makes you feel full for a long time, while contributing to the secretion of glucagon, a hormone that helps burn quickly of fat.


To get the most out of the beneficial properties of this “miracle” vegetable, the only way to cook it is to steam it. Any other way (if you boil or fry it) you will destroy its nutrients. Even better, pair it with spicy foods, as this combination has been shown to increase its anti-cancer properties.


If you cut the carrots into sticks or slices before putting them in the pot, then you are not cooking them properly. As research by the University of Newcastle in Great Britain showed, the more pieces we cut the carrot into, the more nutrients we lose. That is why it is better to clean them and cook them whole or in larger pieces


The correct way is to melt the garlic with the special press – not to chop it or add it whole – and leave it for ten minutes before adding it to the food. In this way, allicin is released, an enzyme that reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease.


For better absorption of black tea’s nutrients, do not add milk because some of its beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system are removed. Again, add some lemon to the green tea, because vitamin C contributes to better absorption of its ingredients. Do not put the tea bags in very hot water because this will destroy its good properties.

About vegetables

In general, avoid cutting raw vegetables either for your salad or for cooking into very small pieces because this way a large amount of their vitamin and fiber content is fragmented. Avoid too much boiling and too much water during boiling so as not to have large losses in vitamins and water-soluble vitamins as well as in plant fibers. Prefer steam and short boiling times.

About fruit

Prefer to eat whole fruits rather than making juices because you are fuller more, and absorb their nutrients better and also store less fat with appropriate consumption.